This was originally written, animation and art all done and copyrighted
by myself, Ruben Safir, in 1997 for a website called Brooklyn On Line.
This past week, in 2022, I had a chance to get down the Coney Island
and Flushing Meadows where I took new pics. The originals were done
with a Cannon AE-1 on film and scanned with an early flatbed scanner.
The new pcis where does digital with a Cannon G7X MarkII and this
video that includes Citifield, Flushing, Coney Island and more was
stiched together with Openshot running on Artix Linux.
Flushing Meadows, Citifeild, Cyclone,
Deno's Wonderwheel, and moreOn the Wonderwheel. I give up focus control with the automated Camera but the pics still are nice[ Coney 2007 ]