Brooklyn-Living Brooklyn Historical Tour

Brooklyn Living

Brooklyn is one of the most historical places in North America.  While other locations havr made an industry of their history, the truth is that Brooklyn as historical as any place in North America, and in many regards, even more historical than Boston, Plymouth, St Augustine, or Philedephia.  The history of the Borough's European settlement likely predates the Mayflower since French Hugenots and Walleans seemed to have been already settled here prior to official Dutch Settlement.  Prior to that, the Lenepe and Canarsie Indians had a rich history including the source form most of the Wampan found accross the continent and a currency for Native tribes from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic.  The American Revolution's largest and earliest engagements took place here.  Later, constant immegration to the Borough enriched American life, with the birth of US Shipping, the foundation of the American Pharmacuetical industry, and it's early status as the heart of the American bread basket.  As the civil war approached, Brooklyn peachers, and organizers spearheaded the underground railroad, and Free African American community played a signifiant role in the county's life.  We intented the steam ship thanks to Robert Fulton.  Through the Civil War we launched the first iron Clad ships.  Through the Industial Revolution in the late 19th century, into the mid-thentieth century, Brooklyn ports and factories were the most important in the world.  By 1895 half the Sugar consumed in the US was refined here,    By the turn of the 20th century it was the leading port for coal, grain, ship building, chemicals, and lumber.  And american baseball was born here. 

With the building of the largest suspension bridge in the works, that is the Brooklyn Bridge, and the expansion of the largest subway system in the world, Brooklyn's history took a new turn, leading the worlds prosperity and giving it tanagle cultural icons from the roller coaster, hot dog, comic book, literary works, the motion picture, Brooklyn raised residents poured onto the international scene making lasting contributions in the arts, theater, television, and the movies.  From Walt Whitman to Mary Tyler Moore, Ann Hathaway,  and  Jonathan Lethem, the Brooklyn tradition continues through the 21st century.  And then we have the religious historical locations in Brooklyn, including it's colonial era cemetraries, and sociated Dutch Reform Churches, the Plymouth Curch of Beecher, the centers of Jewish learning in Williamasburg, Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown Heights and Midwood, histroical Jewish houses of worship dotted throughout most of the Borough, the Eastern orthod Church of East New York,  and Baptist Churches in Bedofrd Styveruant and Crown Heights, all worthy of historical study.

As a fact, the History of Brooklyn can not be learned in a single tour.  From the Paramount Theater on Dekalb Avenue in Brooklyn, to Coney Island, to the Battle Fields of the Revolution, to the Ball Fields of the Brooklyn Atlantics, it's just oo much to take it all in.  But here I hope to give a good sample of places to visit and to see, you give a visitor and enjoyable and educational slice of American History, through the living canvass of Brooklyn, NY.
Historical Site's of Brooklyn
Williamsburg Grand Ferry Park Brooklyn Bridge - Fulton Ferry Vinegar Hill - Navy Yard Fort Green Park Brooklyn Academy of Music Gowanus Canal Zone - Cobble Hill The Stone House and Battle Pass Washington Ball Park Weekesville and Crow Hill Battle of Brooklyn Path Flathbush Church, Town Hall Wyckoff House Amsfort Town Center and Church Gravesend Township and Cemetery - Lady Moody Bennet House Lot House Marine Park and Mill Coney Island and the Cyclone